Ant Man Quantum Realm City. The Quantum Realm is a dimension in the Multiverse only accessible through magical energy, mystical transportation using a Sling Ring, or by tremendous subatomic shrinking caused by the Pym Particles. Although not exactly the same, the MCU's Quantum Realm is very similar to the Microverse of the Marvel Comics.
The quantum realm, also called the quantum scale, is a term of art in physics referring to scales where quantum mechanical effects become important when studied as an isolated system. In the scene Janet reveals that there are worlds upon worlds and whole civilizations and species that live in the realm. The film depicts Paul Rudd's Scott Lang traversing through the If the post-credit scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp was not enough to guarantee that the quantum realm will feature in Endgame, then there's.
In the comics, the Quantum Realm is called the Microverse.
The quantum realm was a major part of Ant-Man and the Wasp, a film released after Infinity War.
In the Marvel Comics, the Quantum Realm is actually known as the Microverse but Paramount has the rights to the name along with the Marvel property Micronauts. He looks for how to get out of the quantum realm. The film depicts Paul Rudd's Scott Lang traversing through the If the post-credit scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp was not enough to guarantee that the quantum realm will feature in Endgame, then there's.
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