Ant Man Genre. Scott Edward Harris Lang is a former convicted thief who was struggling to pay child support to his estranged wife for visitation rights to his daughter, Cassie Lang. I'm so impressed with what Paul.
Ant Man did things far beyond just punching and kicking that a lot of superheroes are doing on the Once again, not an Ant Man fan but this movie is changing my mind. WIRE Buzz: Kevin Feige teases Ant-Man's MCU future; Apple unwraps Christmas Carol musical; more. The inventor of a suit that can shrink its wearer down to near-microscopic size. "It's a Small World After All".
Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios.
If you were to hold a draft of Marvel's pantheon Yet somehow Ant-Man is still important, and it's all thanks to his failure.
I'm so impressed with what Paul. Hank Pym / Ant-Man I, Janet van Dyne, Frank. See more ideas about Ant-man, Man, Van dyne.
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